Jan 28, 2013

Caiti Update

Last Tuesday we took Caiti to see a psychiatrist who specializes in autism to address her self injury.  After a thorough assesment, he decided to put her on small doses of a combination of Tenex (off-brand for ADD symptoms) and Prozac.  We were worried she wouldn't take her medications, but she has done great when we magically hide them in a spoonful of...NUTELLA!!!!!  So, not only am I grateful for the meds, but I'm grateful for Nutella because that is the only way she has EVER let me give her meds.  :)
There has been such a nice change since she started on her medications, just in this first week.  She has returned to her happy, sweet self.  She still tantrums, because she is the same person, but her tantrums are not nearly as bad.  There is still a small amount of self injury due to frustration, but it has decreased so much! It is fun to have our happy girl back and see her playing with her toys and finding the joy in her life again!

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful to hear. So glad she is responding well with her nutella surprise.
