Nov 9, 2012


As an autism mom, I'm grateful for my friend/the kids' former ABA tutor, Whitney.  She has been working with our family for a long time.  She was the one who would come at 6 a.m. to help me with dressing skills with Caiti when I had to get a bunch of high-maintenance kids on the bus.  She's the one who could handle Caiti the best...sometimes better than me.  That is why she is called the Caiti whisperer.
I'm thankful for Whitney for getting me out of my hermit place, that a lot of autism moms get into, and forcing me to take the kids on outings, etc.  That was good for my kids.  They have come so far, as far as how to act in public because of these increased chances.  That was so good for me too because it helped me see that it wasn't as bad as I expected.
Whitney has always been a nonjudgemental presence in my home.  She would show up with the house a mess, and quietly pick up a broom and help me get rid of some of the chaos before the kids came home.  While we were waiting to get the kids off the bus, she would listen when I was having a hard day and not think I was evil if I said ornery things about my kids.
Whitney makes me take pictures when I wouldn't remember to.  I'm happy that I have so many happy moments that are memorialized forever because of her.
Whitney makes me laugh and remember how to be funny.
Most of all Whitney loves my kids like her own.  She is special to me, and I will miss her now that she is moving back home.
Thanks so much for being a part of our lives these last few years!  xoxoxoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for loving our munchkins and helping them out so much, Whitney. And thank you for being such a good friend to my sisters.
