Aug 2, 2012

Being a Source of Comfort

As an autism mom, I'm grateful that I'm finally able to play the role of comforting mommy to my Caiti.  When she was little I had a hard time with Caiti.  It seemed like she saw me as a piece of furniture or just a part of the room.  Then she would go snuggle with her daddy or Aunt Michelle.  I didn't know how to reach her.  My therapist was awesome and told me the obvious of doing things with Caiti that I know she totally loves.  The problem was that I don't love to give her rides or let her splash and make big old messes in the tub...but it was worth it to start making connections with my Caiti. She started to see me as someone that could help her have some fun.
Yesterday was our first day having Speech Therapy back in their office.  They had worked with us by doing home visits when we only had one car for a couple of years.  Now that I have my own car, they wanted us to start back once a week at the office.
The best moment of my day, and possibly my week, was when the speech therapist went up to Caiti and told her it was time for speech.  Without hesitating, Caiti came up to me, looked me in the eyes, smiled and grabbed my hand.  She wanted me to come with her on this new experience that might be a little scary.  I was so happy.  I only got to walk her as far as the door, but that walk brought warm fuzzies to my heart, as I realized that Caiti was seeking me out for comfort.  After all, isn't that a mother's role?

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