Jul 27, 2012

More Mod Podge Fun

As an autism mom, I am grateful that I have learned to cope with stress by being creative.  If I'm feeling overwhelmed or depressed about things, it is nice to put that negative energy into something positive.  A lot of times these bouts of creativity involve mod podge...yes, I wrote about mod podge before.  That is because it costs under $10 for a thing of mod podge, and then I can use my creativity to make things look prettier without spending money that I don't have.  Hooray for that.
My very favorite project I have done with mod podge is close to my heart and makes me happy every time I look at it.  In my early teens, we found out that they were going to go through the stuff that was still in the location of my great, great grandparents' old store.  It was awesome to go and see all the neat things that had been kept in that building since the 1940s.  I was lucky enough to be able to take a stack of LOOK magazines from the 1940s.  I have just had them sitting in a box, so I decided to use them in my decor.  I know, I know, they are probably worth bunches of money; but they are too valuable, sentimentally, for me to ever try and get money for them, and they are way too cool for me to leave in a box in my garage.  I used a couple of the magazines and cut clips of advertisements with women in them for the drawers to my entertainment center.  Then I decorated Kevin's desk with pics relating to the war/military, since he's my military guy.  It makes me so happy to look across the room when I am sitting on my couch and see that bit of history, both personal and of the world.

Another mod podge project I worked on, when I was particularly antsy and needed a break from reality was my knife block.  I had some pretty scrapbook paper bits and pieces to mod podge onto it that made it more fun to look at.  That is good since I hate cooking, so at least when I'm reaching for the knife while doing that unfavorable task, I can enjoy the scenery.
This last mod podge project was pretty much done as a last ditch effort to prevent Caiti from opening the blinds in her bedroom.  As you may have noted previously, Caiti's favorite outfit is her birthday suit, and she loves to wear it in her bedroom at night when she's supposed to be asleep, but instead walks around with all her favorite toys with the lights on and the blinds open.  This is not good, since her window faces the street.  So, I took her old Madagascar book that was sooo loved that it was falling apart.  I cut out a bunch of cute little pics and mod podged them onto her blinds.  This has worked great so far.  Yay for weird ideas that actually work.  It'll be worth it to buy new blinds for housing if we ever move.  ;)

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