Jul 6, 2012

A Happy 4th of July

On this 4th of July holiday, I'm so grateful for my country, for my freedoms, for my family.  Most of all, I'm grateful for the acceptance and love that I've been able to reach  for my children.
When Garrett, my oldest child, was two, I was first suspecting that he had autism.  One of my most vivid memories was actually on the fourth of July.  Garrett was standing at our window box looking outside at the fireworks.  He really liked them.  I thought, "Ooh, how fun!  I should take him outside so he can see them better."  That was not a good idea.  The noise was way too much for my little sensory boy.  He got so upset, and I had to take him inside.  I remember lying down with him on his bed and trying to unsuccessfully calm him down.  I started crying, and I remember thinking that "The Attack of the Body Snatchers" was happening to my little angel.  I remember feeling so sad that the boy who inhabited Garrett's body wasn't the same boy I thought he was.  I still feel very sad when I think about that day.
I'm grateful that I have been able to move on past those feelings and rejoice in the sweet, joyful boy who I have now.  He is one of the biggest sources of happiness in my life.  He makes me smile more than anyone with his unconditional love and silly things he quotes all day.
This fourth, I decided not to have high expectations and just go with the flow.  I made some fun decorations with a friend of mine who is from Brazil, and it was her first year celebrating the fourth.  That was so nice to have some fun with her and get to know her a little better.
The kids tutor/my friend, helped me plan and carry out a festive breakfast that the kids would enjoy.  Yes, I was pretty proud of myself, although I was definitely glad I had the cool whip to sort of mask the taste of my not-so-tasty honey cloud pancakes.  :)
My wonderful sister Michelle came over and watched the kids so Kevin and I could go to a barbecue with our friends.  Originally we had planned to bring the kids, but I'm glad that we have gotten to a place where we don't feel guilty leaving them with the babysitter.  We were able to enjoy our time much more fully, and my kids were able to have some Aunt Michelle time.

She also watched the kids so Kevin and I could take advantage of one of the benefits of being a member of Birch Aquarium this year.  We were able to go there to see the fireworks.  There was plenty of parking, plenty of seating, and they had all their displays open for the evening.  Kevin was actually able to see the octopus this time.  It wasn't being shy.  :)
So, I have to say this was a pretty great 4th.  I'm glad I have better memories now to associate with the fourth and less sadness.

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