Feb 1, 2012

Larraine McCrea (a.k.a the gluten gal)

As an autism mom, I am thankful for my Aunt, Larraine McCrea (who makes me call her Ant instead of Aunt cause she's contrary).  She has been such a support to me my whole life.  As an autism mom, she has been the most important resource when it came to trying the gluten-free/caseine-free diet. 
Ant was diagnosed with celiac disease after being sick and misdiagnosed for many years.  As a way of coping with this diagnosis and helping others with celiac disease, she started her blog: http://www.theglutengal.com/.   She is very creative and an excellent cook and has so many awesome gluten free recipes on her website.  She has given me so many ideas for how to eat gluten free without having to go to go to some expensive health store, buy obscure products or learn fancy ways to cook things.  It was so refreshing to learn how to eat this way from someone that would make regular meals.  :)  Once I started the diet with my kids, Ant started adding caseine-free options to her gluten-free recipes, and now the majority of her website is both gluten and caseine free.  Sometimes I even contribute...like the GF/CF candy list in October.
This diet isn't for everyone with autism.  Some kids don't see a difference at all.  But for my kids, it helps them to sleep through the night, stim a lot less, give better eye contact and not be so much in their own heads.  Just the sleeping part, alone, makes this diet worth it for me.  Thanks Ant for helping me figure it all out.

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